Two years later, another kid, and another occupation later! I've returned to the BLAHg! Lame, I know! Blogs are a dime a dozen now and don't get me started on food blogs. Eck. I've been blogging back when time was a leisure. Here I am, to continue my ramblings and blah, blah, blah that is clunking all around my empty head.
I stumbled upon this blog just by mere googling my name to see what came up. This embarrassing of a car crash was runner up to my facebook. Then there was another woman with the same name in Wisconsin or Wyoming? How many Shellie Kitchen's are there? To my amusement, just two! I, fortunately, married into this name and now with my new found occupation, Food Truck owner, have suffered the "stage name" snafu. I've actually had someone say, "oh sh*t, I thought that was your stage name!" Stage name? I'm that shallow that I would ditch my bad ass maiden name (Cadelinia) for a name that is as stiff as a super starched shirt. Gnarly.
My kids are growing like weeds. My new addition to the great wide world is Ms. Kingston Fox Kitchen! She's fantastic third child! She's chill. She's happy. She's not needy! Everything a full time working mother can ever ask for. She was born a day after the San Francisco Giants won the World Series. In fact, I sat there watching the game amongst my closest friends as I was advised by my OBGYN that morning to get induced right away. My husband, in turn, got wasted drunk in which I ended up driving myself to the hospital as the San Francisco celebrated the baseball win! Husband rushes into the triage, "alright my wife is going to give birth tonight, right now! On the eve of the Giants win on the world series and with the coolest birth date ever 11/1/11" As the nurse recalls, "right." But, that's another story..
These days I'm dealing with three wonderful kids, the best husband and babies daddy, and trying to run my own business that is a food truck. That's a lot in two years. That's a lot in one sentence. It's insane! It's whacky! It's wonderful! Exhilarating electric. For once in my life, I am alive.