Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Natal Attraction

My stubborn head is feeling a lot better. I still get a little hazy in the dome, but what can I do. I started taking my herbal prenatal pills. Apparently, prenatal pills are vital to get the right amount of certain important nutrients during pregnancy such as folic acid, iron and calcium referred to henceforth as the HOLY TRINITY. There's so much to consider prior to the big bang also considered a scientific blunder.

Shellie's Proverb: The finest armor in the world will never protect you from your offspring.

Anyway, FIDS, or friends with kids, are all for the idea of starting a family. Hark! But, I see through them, they want us to join them in their fiery eternal fires of parenthood hell. How dare they! On the otherhand, some male FIDS, behind the backs of their lovely wives, send secret smoke signals to enter the parent world with caution. I was even sworn in by Tim Carr, Shane's golf buddy and long time pal, to remain true to my word and my word is, "to allow him out the house to golf and other social events." I promised. This is witnessed by video camera. Does it count, if I was coerced by a few glasses of white wine? I am committed by promise to remain my true self. That is, it is inexcusable to ever cage my husband from his friends.

I am uncertain as to what wrath the future will bestow, but I am not one of those wretched women who guise and guilt they're husbands into submission. That's not who I am now, and I am hoping that the future will hold me in true countenance. This is the word according to Shellie. Amen.

Lesson: A young male grasshopper will only gain respect from female grasshopper when he learns the power of "no".

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2006

    Its fun, but you should be shaking in your boots.
