Mom, Dad, Shane and I sat in the doctor's office. This was Shane's first appointment for the Kitchster. The room sat mothers and mothers to be. The bright eyed mothers-to-be watched the newborns with sheer excitement. We all were at the edge of our seats knowing that we had one of those love buns in our oven too. There was a sort of camaraderie between all mothers-to-be and mothers. A community of silent understanding. I was too early along to join in the reindeer game.
I specifically chose The Women's Center's at St. Luke's as it has been highly recommended by friends that are midwives and doulas alike. It is considered the most innovative program in San Francisco. Specializing in natural births, water births and births in general. I am glad this hospital is at the top of the game, but I am seeking a healthy and pain free birth full of epidural. The word around town is that the other hospitals, especially CPMC, are infamous for unnecessary c-sections. I was not down with that.
As Shane and I sat in the room, we overheard one of the doctor advising someone to not answer any of the patient's questions. Shane's like, "I thought you said this was a great hospital? Why can't she answer our questions? Talk about weird." We both started giggling. It seemed absurd to not have our questions answered. Apparently, it was the medical student's first day and so we really wouldn't want the text book responses. Her name was Julie, a medical student, with a soft spoken voice that quivered like leaves on a windy night. She walked us through the preliminary questions like how was the pregnancy going thus far.
Sue McDonald entered five minutes later and was humourous and informative. She got out the ultra sound contraption and reassured us that we wouldn't see anything so keep the party in our pockets. Suddenly, we saw the entire definition of the love bun. It's body alongwith spine, heartbeat, arms, hands, legs, feet wiggled and did flips in my belly. It was Shane's first time to observe such sweetness. We were over the moon! We were excited to see that all was good in the womb of the Kitchen.
Despite my high increase in fat distribution, my toiling bowel movements, my wicked appetite, my pregnancy is healthy. She stressed the importance of protein, vegetables, water and rest during this period of the pregnancy which does not prey as a problem. Although as I am no spring chicken, I will have to test my chromosome count. Cross my fingers. Otherwise, Mrs.. Kitchen and little Kitchster is doing swell! In the end, I'm just ecstatic that the people that I hold dear to my heart were there with me to experience the miracle in my heart.
Lesson: A Grasshopper that appreciates is one that will never be disappointed.
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