I am two months away from joining the ranks of selected family and fellow friends. So excited I could pee my pants! Not so quick you parents who have circled us like vultures waiting to feed on our carcass or I shall douse you with holy water and garlic bulbs. Hiss! How you've persuaded us to join your kind for years, "Kids are so fun. It's the best! It'll change your life." Here we are at the edge of the deep abyss ready to plunge into the dark hole of changing dirty diapers, sleep deprivation, tolerance, frustration, conflict, and all the unknown creature habits that hides in the future.
It is pleasing to know that Kitchstar will have fellow cohorts. Firstly, the Kriegsmen who are new parents to David and the Brooke family on their special special baby boy Jasper. Not to go unmentioned are my pregger females, Allison and Jamie, that were also suckered into pregnancy. Finally, a big "congratulations" to the Benjamins
Meaghan "the wrecking machine" Benjamin. The same day she popped Stella, her third and surely not last, out she was on the phone making calls and a shnazzy website full of photos and clips followed. If ever there was a mother that exuded the true word, it would be her. This women works a full time job, part time job, mother,and wife. She's all natural, galaxies from uptight, I might even go as far as to exclaim that she's an inspiration. She is the frosting on the the cake.
I am fortunate to have such well rooted friends and family. I can't wait to compare, compile and complain with my fellow mothers. I'm sure Meaghan is the "go to" as she is fully experienced with the art of raising children. I'd love to look to my mom, but she comes from a different generation. A generation of "no fuss" and my questions may bring on a tidal of prepostrous comments. When mom pays her visit, she will go over her Mother 101 recourse. I can hear her first advice to me, "just let him or her cry." Them hard words from a mother of ten will probably be the most important advice given. Until than I am just thankful that there's a gaggle of babies that will hopefully create the same bond as their parents.
It'll be difficult not to be fully paranoid with my first child, but I will try my best not to be a psychotic hypocondriac misophobic freakazoid and I will look towards the veterans for insight. In the meantime, we hope that our friends will follow suit into the interesting world of parenting. You know who you are. Smile. I embrace this miracle and all the nonsense that comes with it, because in the end it's all worth it.
Lesson: A sly Grasshopper must not slurp noodles like soup.