The big twenty seven! Twenty seven weeks that is. I am all belly, and I am entering the wide open field of the third trimester. Gulp. I am racing towards the finish line. As Kitchstar starts to make itself at home in my womb, I am thrilled to pieces. The kicking and bopping is getting stronger and I look forward to each movement. A homage to communication, between mother and child. It's a trip! I'll put Shane's hand on my belly, hoping he could feel it and experience my excitement, but an outsider couldn't fathom the alien pod experience. It could creep any normal person out, for a second. Shane tries to relate, but there's no way, but I appreciate his attempt. Smile.
In honor of my progress, my walk is beginning to transition into a waddle. You know that walk that pregnant women have to keep from tipping over. Sort of like a weeble wobble. It hasn't gotten to that point yet, but I'll be there soon enough. Believe me, I'm in no hurry to walk like a duck. As I have concealed my pregnancy with the color black, my waddle will soon give me away. On the upside, I have waddled my way up and down hills to contribute to a healthy pregnancy. In order to strap this diabetes down, I have become more restricted on my diet and more aggressive with my cardio. Of course pilates and yoga is fine, I feel that my body benefits further if I walked at least thirty minutes a day. It's tough trying to keep myself healthy. I'm finally taking responsibility for someone besides myself so being selfish doesn't have it's place, at present.
As I was saying, I'm not sure what to expect in the next thirteen weeks except to get larger. Even though my diet has become the nucleus of my daily, to look on the bright side, I've lost a few pounds. Yipee! In the meantime, we have signed up for childbirth intensive two day series. Sue McDonald recommend that first time parents attend these classes to educate ourselves on birthing and parenthood. I'm sure Shane can't wait to sit there from 9:30am to 1:30pm for two days. He expressed his motivation by a ten second silence on the end of the line ending in, "Two days? On a weekend? Is it like lamaze? What is it?" "I'm not sure, it was expensive and we shall see," I responded.
I am hoping that the third tri will be as fly as my second. I know I am being utterly delusional, but it's good to dream. In the past few days, my energy level has dropped immensely, and I'm hoping the third tri doesn't toss me into the wind of regression. I am making an appointment with my acupuncturist to make sure my body energy is flowing correctly.
All in all, I have embraced pregnancy for what it is. Beauty, strength, love and change. The sight of my naked belly after a shower still baffles me, because from backside you wouldn't be able to tell and than wham! Yet, I am no different from any other pregnant women. It sounds a bit hippy sappy, but I am elated that I am harboring a wonderful being. Moreover, I am grateful that I share this sunshine with Shane. I can sleep well at night knowing I did not coerce him into a corner to have Kitchstar. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have found someone so golden. The countdown to meeting the little star begins. I'm so delighted. I can't wait.
Lesson: A Grasshopper who knows not how to eat with chopstick shall go hungry.
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