Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy 1 Week Old!!!

Shane's new venture as a business owner required his presence back at work on Tuesday. It's just Hunter and me in this big old house. At first, like all mothers, I didn't know what to expect. As the days passed, I realized that his dailies included lots of eating, sleeping, and diaper changes. He and Chloe had similar lifestyles.

As I have been branded a virgo, such enlightened organized beings. Yes, that's just a nice way of saying anal. I, a rare case, is a disastrously piggish slob. I've gotten a lot better in the past few years, thus I remain a mess. Until now. Maestro, please keep the orchestra down for a second. Suddenly, the thought of being solely responsible for another human being clicked my ass into gear. I am three, four steps ahead of the game when it comes to my son. Hunter's nursery and diaper bag is jam packed full of essentials. I amaze myself. Some would call it a miracle. I prefer to not be that parent that forgot to pack the diapers or a change of clothes. Just as well, I remain a ghastly unorganized lout, but my son, on the otherhand, has gotta it plush.

On my phone conversation with mom, she pleaded that I stay home for at least 30 days. Mom should know best, heck she's had ten kids. At the same time it's hard to turn mom down. I mean she's my mom! But, 30 days? Come on let's get real folks. I might as well preserve myself in a cave. Nonetheless, I gave her my word like the good daughter that I am, knowing deep in my heart that my words were flimsy. I think deep in mom's heart she knew my words were only to silence her worries.

No sooner than a squirrel cracks a nut, my promise to mom faded far and away. Hunter's first week entailed day trips to Target, Ross, Rainbow Grocery, Safeway, and Trader Joes. By the way, let's not forget my first experience with sushi, since Hunter's birth. Jill and Greg took us out on Hunter's first sushi date. Sorry mom.

Meanwhile, our neighbors brought over a bountiful platter of sausage and pasta. Kathy had a smorgasbord of charcuterie, baguette, hummus, and salsa messengered to the house along with gifts for Hunter. Our next door neighbor dropped off a gift certificate to Aperto. My sister dropped off some chicken and green papaya soup. The slew of dishes kept coming and all I had to say was praise the Lord! Are you kidding me? Prepared meals is so rock and roll! I am in debt to you all.

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! I can't believe it's been a week. A flippin' week! Time is just whippin' by. I'm still walking on air with every second of every moment, catching my breath has become a common occurence for me. He's a miracle! A week ago he was chillin' in my belly. Today my love for him grows deeper in my heart. Life is divine.

This is Shellie happier than a guppy in a toilet bowl back to you Bob at the studio!

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