Sunday, July 27, 2008

Smart Wheels

Diddle, daddle, dawdle, that’s me in a fiddle! Well, not so much so as my former life as a singleton, but I remain true to my craft. For a year I’ve been meaning to sale my X5 to the next sucker. I take that back, I have traipsed into the craigslist world, but that has proven to be the most unreliable source known to the galaxy. Twelve months and $4.95 a gallon later, and my monster automobile remains parked in the driveway. Sigh. The hike in gas prices has put a little spin on my perspective. I’m that obnoxious three headed snake driving in the suv as hybrid owners zoom by with looks of displeasure and disgust. I’m not proud to be contributing to the global warming effect. Alright you temperamental NPR subscriber and earth crisis activists gently put the rotten tomatoes down. Besides, I keep my driving to a minimum. In the meantime, I make up for my excessive carbon footprint by composting and recycling, but that’s for another entry. Why did I purchase it in the first place you ask? One word “Tahoe.” Second word, “Snowboarding!” Since my purchase, I have been to Tahoe a total of three times. Thus, I am an idiot.

As I fall in the pit of fads, I’m humiliated by my yuppie gas extravaganza. I’ve got a fever for a Smartcar. They whiz by and I’m so apt to jump on the bandwagon. Sure, it’s a hyped up goal cart, but who cares. It’s urban! It’s hip. Speaking of hip, the Vespa is congesting the San Francisco streets! I heart Vespa. Its gas usage is heaven on wheels. If I sell my car, I can get both! In addition, I could get a Honda Element! Parking would be a breeze! The ideas clash, turning wheels in my noggin like rubber cement on the verge of drying. “Three vehicles? Why do you need three vehicles in the city? Where would Hunter’s car seat go? Where would I sit!” Shane bursting my day dream bubble, “oh yeh.” I chuckled as Hunter crawled like an arachnid across the wooden floor, “oops.” I smiled with my light disregard for my family.

If I ever have the energy to breath, I will exert some strength into ridding my fuel inefficient vehicle. Until than, hybrids, Vespas, and Smartcars continue to taunt me at every four way stop. I am a mother and as a mother, I should see to it that I make a better world for my sweet Hunter Styles and others to come. That’s where daydreams come in handy.

This is Shellie reassessing my lifestyle for a better quality of life back to you Bob at the studio!

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