Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Destination No Where

As the price of gas escalates, it is clear that I am not going anywhere anytime soon. "Highway robbery," I say, "slit my throat for fuel please?" Which takes me to the topic of vacation. The culinary fiend that I am, yearns for Spain, Provence, Turkey, and Morroco (in no apparent order- I would gladly return to Paris and Italy, but I need to venture out of that beautiful circle). But skimming for a good fare is as common as a cow jumping the moon. California Lotto here I come!

As of June 15, 2008, American Airline declared they will charge passengers $15 for a checked bag. In pursuit, last week American Airline charged $25 for the second luggage. Suddenly, the gas guzzling economy has sunk my travel ship. With the dollar as weak as my libido, I have to reconsider my travel to Europe as traveling to Central and South America proves just as expensive. I have to step back and reassess. I could always travel to the windy city to visit Meghan who is due a visit from the Kitchens. On the other hand, Manhattan is always a good fall back. I have been stagnant for a few years, that I'm finally fevering for the flavor to fly.

Last year, we traveled to Hawaii and New York to introduce our newborn to the family. It was as adventurous as going to the toilet (it wasn't that bad), but the travel bug has found a home in my butt and it hasn't been comfortable for me. Besides, most airlines preface that children from the age of two must purchase their own seat. Christ on a cross, it's getting hectic. Hence, the need to trek this the globe is dire. But, where?

This is Shellie digging a hole to China back to you Bob at the studio.

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