Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Clash of the Titans

As I leave the office building, the aggressive scent of McDonald’s french fries manage a ruthless air raid resulting in my taking cover for safety. As I have to pass three McDevil’s to get to my destination, I brace myself to get to my healthy destination of organic greens. Suddenly I’m grappled by the idea of two cheeseburgers along with a petite french fry. “Why not?” I lay out the pros and cons, “I’m pregnant. The baby wants it. I’m hungry. Live a little!” The opposing tirade takes front and center, “It’s unhealthy! It’s greasy. Definitely not great for your complexion! Think of your waistline. Mon dieu! (I am clueless as to why my thoughts blurt a little French.) Scientists labor in labs creating flavors addicting to the customer. Not a good idea. Refrain. The power of Christ compels you!” I continue my journey to Sellers Market, but am quickly dissuaded by the cost of my organic salad. “Ten bucks for a salad. Really? You can make that at home for free? Get a cheeseburger, you only live once.”
“Stuffing your face with cheetos, grape nuts, and cheese pizza doesn’t constitute one to be a vegetarian nor healthy. It’s just vulgar.”

My mind entangled in a war with my mischievous hunger. I was in the bunker strategizing with my thoughts. I could always starve a little longer and head to Loehman’s where my Iisli coat waited for my purchase. Better, I could head to Loehman’s shoes where my Italian hand made leather boots wept impatiently for a good home. At this point, anything was possible starvation for shoes or transfat over organic. I haven’t had anything to eat since eight o’clock this morning and it was almost one. The heady thing to do was eat. I was never my best when my blood sugar plummeted into the abyss of my irrational being. I could throw my heels across Market Street in hopes to hit Mr. Chu, the man that waives that gibberish sign, “12 Galaxies. Tetrafluoride.” Grrrr.

I made the fine decision to stick to my gut and get a salad. Not just any salad, a cobb salad, chockfull of avocados, tomatoes, hold the bacon, free range chicken breast, hard boiled egg, and cucumbers. Perhaps, it’s not worth $9.95. Perhaps, the two McDevil’s cheeseburgers still plague my mind as I chomp on spoonfuls of organic greens. Perhaps, my thoughts still wrestle in regret on the decision. Fact still stands, fetus Kitchen is being fed and I’ve made it through one more day closer to my due date (March 13, 2009).

This is Shellie dissing fast food, but would totally destroy a big mac if given the opportunity back to you Bob at the studio!

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