Thursday, January 07, 2010

2010: Bring it on!

2009 pretty much spiraled through a funnel like Alice falling into that rabbit hole. Where am I? As my girlfriend Vanessa woulds say, all in good fun, "Your in 2010 b*tch!"

I bid 2009 adieu with my dear husband's mouth gaping open an hour prior to countdown. Hunter sugar infested melt down snoozed cozy in his bed. I greeted 2010 with my fellow cohorts Angela and Kenny "On the Nutz" J. Stevie Day, on the other hand, outlasted us all, racing around the hardwood floors past midnight like she was in the Indy 500. Not one bone in my body felt a vengeance to get sh*t faced. On the contrary, I just wanted to be with my family: my kids and my husband. Besides, babysitters were making a killing on new years eve. Who do they think they are? Those shifty little blood suckers cornered the market. I wasn't falling victim. Besides, Valentines day is just around the corner, in which I will probably have to give in to the coercion.

I admit it. I pretty much fell off the face of the blog world. I lead the louse life. I took to hiatus and chose mommyhood. Since Stevie Day, juggling two kids, two dogs, a full time job, my husband. Plus selfish gains like gym time five to six days a week. In addition to losing my baby weight, I struggle to lose an additional fifteen pounds. It's seems absurd, but everyone is not five foot two, alas doesn't wrestle with weight distribution. Finally, assisting my husband's general contractor business. If your chest is swelling with anxiety, then welcome to my world, come on in!

Actually, I enjoy the fast paced way of life. There's nothing more satisfying and yet challenging. I'm furiously thriving. It's a rush that's vivacious. When my head hits my pillow, be rest assured that my sleep is well deserved. I leave behind my yearning to have traveled abroad. That's correct I did no traveling last year. Sure, I went to Tahoe for a summer wedding, but that doesn't even count. Neither does a drive to Sonoma to hang out with friends poolside. Last, but not least, my high school class reunion (decade not included to preserve the right to my privacy; age). I had no intention of attending. I left town at seventeen, why would I want to see these people? My decision was concrete until I found myself searching for flights and accommodations a week out from the reunion. As my husband confirmed that he wouldn't be attending with me, due to financial lynching, I folded my reunion cards.

Here's to 2010! Hard to fathom, but we are headed to the five year wedding mark. Holy sh*t right? It comes fast! Have money, will travel. Perhaps, New Orleans Jazz Festival or South by South West. Definitely visiting with family in New York and Hawaii. If I can find a flight that's an absolute steal, Spain or Portugal or a Greek Island. Note to self: when considering travel, don't forget about your two kids. Second note to self: All kids over the age of two are subject to airfare charges. Okay, so maybe I may have to ex nay on the travel nay. Snarl.
Read, not that electronic kindle gadget, but a real wholesome novel. I've been lured into the shameless reality television galaxy: the HIlls, the City, House wives of what city. My head was wrapped in the warp of it all. I'm taking the initiative to be whisked away in to the world of literature. Can't wait. On the same vein, writing. I must write. I need to write. I have to write. Lastly, overambitiously, finish my novel and call it a year. Third note to self: stop blogging and get to your chapters. Right. For extra credit, participate in the California Lottery. Now that we're considering Hunter's education, money must grow on trees.

So my goals for this year are not resolutions, but goals. Objectives, if you will. Of course, the usual suspects will continue such as spending one on one time with my husband, keep a strict rule on my little chitlins, and neighborly love and all that kumbaya conundrum.

It's a new year. It's a new decade. It's a new chance to live life your way!

This is Shellie shouting, "look alive damnit, feel alive! Now fist pump everyone!" back to you Bob at the studio!

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